I am proud of being a traveler

   I am proud of being a traveler, because I think I can experience different culture there when I travel. For example, I can talk with the local people and even learn a new language by talking to them.

   So I am proud of being a traveler. And the most unforgettable trip I have ever experienced is when I was in Russia. The guide told us that Russian people just can’t speak English, because they believe their language will be more and more popular in the globe and Russia will conquer the globe, so I decided to learn some essential words and phrases in Russian before I arrive there.

   But then I found it was a really complicated language which contains loads of difficult grammar, I suppose it’ll spend me a year to master. And in the first day in Moscow, I decided to experience the underground metro system. Suddenly I found there were no any English sign which indicates the destination of each route. So I realized how useful it was to learn Russian before I went there, and I was proud of that, because few people in China can speak Russian, especially a child at the age of thirteen.

  So I talked to the ticket-seller at the counter. It was quite a success, because the ticket-seller handed me the ticket with a very friendly expression in Russian——“Here you are”. I felt quite happy at that time, because of my language skill, I can just pretend to be a local people. And also, according to a blog on the Internet, Russian people have a very terrible xenophobia. So, I felt glad to see this.

   As you can see, the story ends here as I took the ticket and went to the platform, it ends happily with my gladness. So I am just proud of being a traveler——a traveler who can pretend to be a local people and do what they do, that’s why I am proud of being such a traveler.

My short introduction

I am a grade 8 student in Beijing,China. I created this blog to post my article about my life in China or some experiences during my trip. I like Iceland very much, because I think it is a very peaceful country. I am a 14-year-old boy and I am looking for a pen pal. My E-mail is zhouchengbin@126.com or zhouchengbin905@yahoo.com. Please write to me if you are also looking for a pen pal.

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Michael Zhou
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